In October 2017, we welcomed more than 450 people to the Red Cow Hotel in Dublin to enjoy an afternoon tea dance that was organised to recognise and celebrate the contribution that people of all ages have made, and continue to make, within our communities. It was also our way of saying ‘Thank You’ to each and every person present for their own individual contribution to the life of their community – past and present; seen and unseen.
Our Work in the Community
Massey Bros. has a long tradition of supporting the communities in which it has a presence. Not only do we provide financial assistance to a wide range of community-based organisations that work with people of all ages and backgrounds, but we also encourage our staff to give of their time and talents through volunteering.
Tea Dance

Focus Ireland Business Leaders Sleepout
This year, Peter and Andrew Maguire joined business leaders from across Ireland at the annual Focus Ireland Business Leaders Sleepout. Between them they raised €5,000 to assist Focus Ireland in helping families, young people and children at risk or affected by homelessness.
We are committed to helping combat the increasing levels of isolation and loneliness experienced by older people in Ireland, as well as taking care of those in financial need.
Tragically homelessness is a growing issue in Ireland. We are committed to helping organisations that work to prevent homelessness and who work with those affected by homelessness.
We want our young people to have the best possible start in life so have committed to assisting organisations that help care for and nurture the next generation.
Sport has long been recognised as a force for good. We support a wide range of sporting organisations from local GAA and soccer teams to tennis clubs and golf events.