Funeral Transport
Our experienced funeral arrangers will help you select the transportation which best meets your needs.
Things to consider
Our experienced funeral arrangers will help you select the transportation which best meets your needs. There are a number of things which you will need to think about:
- What type of hearse would you prefer?
- How many people will require transport?
- The route the cortege will need to take.
- Whether or not you have any special requirements e.g. wheelchair access.
To help you with your decisions, we have displayed a selection of our fleet below.
If you would like more information, please contact one of our experienced funeral arrangers on T:01 453 3333 or email:
Limousines & Hearses
Massey Bros. has an extensive fleet of modern Mercedes hearses and limousines. Our luxurious stretched black Mercedes limousines have the capacity to hold seven passengers.
As Seen in the Irish Times - View More
Harley-Davidson Electra Glide Hearse
A unique and meaningful offering for those whose passion was getting out on the open road.
To contact us simply call 01 453 3333
As Seen in RTÉ’s Road to the Rising
Horse-Drawn Hearse
For those seeking a traditional-style funeral, we are able to provide families with striking black or white horses, complete with feather plumes, along with a vintage carriage-style hearse.
Mercedes Black Saloon (S Class)
Luxurious black Mercedes Saloon with the capacity to hold three passengers.
Mercedes Black Saloon (E Class)
Executive black Mercedes Saloon with the capacity to hold three passengers.
People Carrier
Luxurious black passenger vehicle with easy access and the capacity to hold six passengers.
Silver Wheelchair Accessible version also available.